Acting Out Musical Theatre

Welcome to Acting Out Musical Theatre.

ACTING OUT - (our namesake musical theatre troupe)
Our Musical Theatre troupe has entertained audiences since 2008.

Watch this space for our upcoming shows.

Singing, dancing, and acting for 16 years and counting!

Choral singing – what about the text?

Have you ever gone to a choir concert that seemed uninspired and lifeless? Chances are you have, even if the sound was well blended and perfectly on pitch. Today we're going to take a look at another part of the...

The Acting Out Musical Theatre Guild would like to acknowledge that we are on Treaty 6 Territory, a traditional meeting ground, gathering place, and traveling route for many Indigenous Peoples. We honour and recognize the rich artistic, cultural, and musical traditions of the Cree, Nakota Sioux, Metis, Dene, Saulteaux, and the many more Indigenous communities that call this land we share, home.